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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thyroid (goiter) Cancer

Thyroid Cancer, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Herbal TedaviTıbben, in general, the growth of tiroid'in called goiter. However, all thyroid diseases among the people "goiter" is called. There are a lot of the type of goiter.

Types of hormone secreted by the thyroid goiter GUATR'IN bezesinin longer than necessary, the type of "toxic goiter" is called. Goitre among the people of this kind of "internal goiter" is also called. Nodülsüz goiter with normal hormone levels on the type of "simple goitre" is called. Nodule in the guatr'a "nodules goiter" call. Nodule, lump or mass that should be included tiroid'de. Goitre nodules, "one nodules" or "multi-nodules" can be divided into goiter. Nodules, "cold", "warm" and "hot" is divided into 3 groups.

INSIDE Goiter - Goiter FOREIGN goiter among the public is widely used in interior or exterior goiter despite statements describe medical use.

Thyroid, not the name of a disease. Thyroid, everyone is an organ located. Hormone produces and gives kanımıza. If this hormone is vital for our bodies. We need this hormone for life. This hormone is called "thyroxin" is. Thyroxine, T3 and T4 in the form of our body.

This hormone another, less well-known among the people than the thyroid is a hormone produced by the other. This hormone "calcitonin," we say. Associated with bone metabolism.

Tiroid'e, "the thyroid gland, thyroid gland," is also called. "Thyroid" and "thyroid" mean the same. Turkish Language Association, "thyroid" in daily use the word prefer "thyroid" more preferred word.

Thyroid, in our throats on the front, located just below the ledge, called Adam's apple. Download and view the "U" is similar to the letter. There is also much to compare, but we disagree that simulate butterfly.

Clean blood from the heart to the brain, right and left of Tiroid'in vessel carrying the name as the king and those are the main atardamarlarımız collects on the outside of the brain, blood vessels bringing blood to the heart are used.

Tiroid'in bottom, right and left of the vocal cords to move through the nerves and their branches. These nerves, right and left 2 blocks. These nerves branch location and shows the personal changes. Therefore, during surgery, surgeons may mislead. These nerves are very important. If these nerves are damaged, or thyroid cancer by surgery sarılırsa hoarseness and voice loss may occur.

Embedded and attached to the inner face of the rear Tiroid'in, 4, one the size of lentils, calcium glands (parathyroid glands) are available. The number of calcium bezelerinin vary between 1 and 6. Tiroid'in operations, inevitably, it can be removed or all of one or more of calcium in bezelerinin. In this case, the patient also needs to use other drugs and supportive of calcium throughout life. Otherwise, post-operative accelerated osteoporosis. Already, even with surgery, this calcium is not taken the thyroid glands thyroid diseases, and even many of the drugs he can melt the bones.

Leukemia Blood Cancer

35% of cases of childhood cancer, leukemias, and creates the first place.
35% of cases of childhood cancer, leukemias, and creates the first place. According to the cell type of leukemias, ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia) and AML (acute myeloblastic leukemia) to be divided into two main groups. Tanımlanabilir.Türkiye themselves in the lower classes at the age of 16 in each year 1200-1500 reported new cases of children with leukemia.
Causes of leukemia is not yet fully elucidated. New developments in cytogenetics and molecular techniques, genetic predispositions, radiation, benzene and its derivatives (depending, etc.)., Chemicals such as pesticides, some hereditary diseases, viral diseases and some studies have shown that they are together, causing leukemia. Leukemia is seen at any age. The most common childhood 2-5 years of age is increasing. Under 1 year of age, 10 new cases, response to treatment over the age of decline.
Veins of any effect of circulating blood cells, mainly consisting of construction of the bone iliğimizdeki master password to change the name of our blasts are immature blood cells increased. These cells spread rapidly and bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, liver, gentlemen, and central nervous system of reserves.
Symptoms: Symptoms of leukemia in children: Anorexia Anemia Slimming Leg bone pain Bleeding under the skin (red spots or bruising) The nose and gum bleeding Fire bulgulardır.Ayrıca first observed signs of spread to organs, such as headache, vomiting, abdominal pain, visual disturbances be important. These symptoms apply to their children's hematology (blood disorders), experts of the examination, mostly liver and spleen enlargement, enlargement of lymph nodes, bleeding signs can be detected.
The blood, bone marrow, cell type and genetic tests to determine the exact result can be diagnosed.
Detailed diagnosis of leukemia types of tests often, treatment will be helpful in determining the principles.
TREATMENT: Treatment begins with the first overall situation, the correction methods. At this stage, special cells in the blood or blood donors (voluntary blood donor people) given by taking the patient with leukemia, infection, made available the necessary struggles, kidneys, liver and heart side effects of chemotherapy drugs are very important to take protection measures.
In addition, patients and families informed about the disease, leukemia is not hopeless, but rather with a good treatment, and moral support of up to 85% improvement in leukemia treatment sağlandığının the second step of disclosure.
FIRST PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT and TREATMENT: Very high doses, for at least 6 different kinds of intravenous and oral drug to give in 4-6 weeks. The aim of the blast, called malignant cells is the elimination of the home.
However, these chemotherapy drugs, unfortunately, does not affect only the bad cells, our body is good, is not as useful cells. Therefore, the children's hair poured in their mouths, gaping wounds in the intestines, halsizleşmektedirler. Again, the defense cells of our body that protects against infections with drugs Because it is destroyed in the destruction of the immune system, the smallest microbe, even the cause of the disease has spread throughout the body causes severe febrile infections.
For this reason, the people surrounding our children with leukemia, the air, water and protection from microbes to avoid getting takmaktadırlar mask.